Dr. Keyboardian with special guest Ian Larrimore
7 – 9 pm / Doors open at 6:30 pm at Flood Gallery
All ages / Open donation / Special merch available

Dr. Keyboardian was formed out of spite in 2013 when bandmates suggested I stop tinkering with my yard sale Seiko DS 250 keyboard and get back on drums where I belonged. They said I was a bad keyboard player. “I’ll show them,” I accidentally said out loud, “I’ll start a solo project and call it Dr. Keyboardian, and ten years later, I’ll still be bad, but I’ll hustle for gigs and make songs and design merch. So here we are today, ten years later, but not Ten Years After, ladies and gentlemen, it’s Dr. Keyboardian. He showed them.” Then I got back on drums.
Tim Greene
Head Coach
Dr. Keyboardian

Special guest Ian Larrimore to perform!
Ian Larrimore teaches music to elementary students in McDowell county, writes songs, and studies guitar.