“Agony and Ecstasy: Images of Conscience” Opens March 9th from 6pm to 8pm highlighting the Printmaking of Janette Hopper

Janette Hopper will open her printmaking exhibit titled, “Agony and Ecstasy: Images of Conscience, March 9th at the Flood Gallery Fine Art Center from 6pm to 8pm at 850 Blue Ridge Rd. in Black Mountain, N.C. Ms. Hopper states, “For the first time almost all of my linoleum prints are being exhibited together. They show the agony and ecstasy of human life. The love, sorrow, conflict, beauty, enjoyment of nature, contemplation of what is, was and could be and political commentary. The linocuts started in 1991 when I was in Denmark on a Fulbright. I demonstrated linocut to my students and wanted to make them an example. So with this first print called “Bicycle Lovers” my love of creating linoleum cuts began.
Janette Hopper received her Masters of Fine Art from the University of Oregon after serving for two years in the Peace Corps in Colombia. She earned her BFA and MA from Boise State University. “ Beginning at Columbia Basin College in Washington State, then on a Fulbright for a year in Denmark and next at Central Michigan University. Lastly, I was hired at the University of North Carolina Pembroke to Chair the Art Department and teach and make art. I have had the opportunity to teach and create art in Italy, Denmark and Germany and visit museums in Spain, Portugal, England, France, Morocco, Syria, Mexico, and Japan as well as Washington DC and New York as well as exhibiting in more than 250 venues and having my work in over 60 public collections,” she expains.
Linocuts: Selected Collections, Juried Exhibits and Awards
•Bordeaux, France and Mannheim, Germany – Artist Trust Grant for exhibits• Portland, Oregon – The Gilkey Collection at the Portland Art Museum
- Asheville, NC – 2nd Prize at the Flood Gallery juried exhibit, “Politics Today”, Asheville, NC
- Gabrovo, Bulgaria – Collection and Exhibits at the House of Humor and Satire
- Los Angeles, California – Collection of the Center for the Study of Political Graphics
- Asheville NC – Collection Asheville Art Museum
- Douro River Valley, Portugal – Collection and Exhibit at the Bienal Douro International Print Exhibit• Copenhagen, Denmark – Exhibit Mostings Hus
- Santander, Spain – Collection and Exhibit at the Mini Print Cantabria V
- Bietigheim–Bissingen, Germany – Collection and International German Linoleum Cut Exhibit, Linolschnit Heute VII, Stadtische Galerie
- Seattle, WA – One person exhibit, collection and catalog at the Frye Art Museum
- Raleigh, NC – Exhibit North Carolina Museum of ArtSeattle, WA – “Paper Politics”, catalog, book, and traveling exhibit traveling to many venues in the United States and Canada
- New Orleans, LA – Southern Graphics Council International 5 year Traveling Exhibit and permanent collection housed at Kennesaw State University, Ga
- Bordeaux, France – Exhibit Club de la Presse and the Boulevard de Potes• Mannheim, Germany – Exhibit Bürgerhaus Neckarstadt,
- New York, NY – Exhibit Lincoln Center• Seattle, WA – Exhibit Nordic Heritage Museum
- Wilmington, NC – Exhibit University of North Carolina Wilmington• Chapel Hill, NC – Exhibit Chapel Hill Town Hall
“For people interested in the process of lithographs and block prints, this exhibition will be a must, “ explained Carlos Steward, director of the Flood gallery, “additionally she will be back at the gallery in May to demonstrate the processes she uses to create her works.”
The Flood Gallery events are free and open to the public. Light refreshment will be served and donations are always appreciated. The Flood Gallery is located at 850 Blue Ridge Rd, in Black Mountain, NC. For more information call 828-273-3332.