True Home Open Mic

Join us every Thursday from 6:30pm – 8:30pm for music, poetry, comedy and stories performed by our favorite local artists! Feel free to bring your own food/drinks or anything you’d like to share!

Sign up begins at 6pm, show begins at 6:30pm. Each performer will have twelve minutes, and the show is always livestreamed on our Facebook account.

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems, and occasionally we will have local celebrity poets close out our night with a featured reading (email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet)!

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems, and occasionally we will have local celebrity poets close out our night with a featured reading (email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet)!

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems, and occasionally we will have local celebrity poets close out our night with a featured reading (email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet)!

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems, and occasionally we will have local celebrity poets close out our night with a reading from a featured local poet!

(Email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet)!

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems during the open mic portion of the evening, and occasionally we’ll close out our night with a reading from a featured local poet!

[Email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet!]

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems during the open mic portion of our evening, then local poet Maura Finn will close out our night with a featured reading!

Maura Finn is a steward of the Earth here to rekindle the spark of joy and the power of imagination through connection, compassion, creativity and wisdom. Poetry has been her first language, along with laughter, and it’s through direct revelation with the world that she learns the “why” and “how” of what it means to be human. Finn longs to bring to light the curiosity and creativity that are always dancing beneath the surface by painting canvases with words and sharing what she’s metabolized from her personal experiences. “Yet, it is in recognizing the universality of these shared experiences, that the language of poetry meets you where you need to be met.” Maura is the author of Bilingual Poetry (English and Spanish): Architect of the Divine: Restoring the Heartspace for Love, as well as her forthcoming full-length poetry book: The Simplicity of Natural Things.

[Email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet!]

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems, and occasionally we will have local celebrity poets close out our night with a featured reading (email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet)!

Flooded Poetry

Every Monday, Ivy Rozen, Senior Editor of The Black Mountain Press, will host a poetry-specific open mic from 6:30pm-9pm. Each poet will be able to share 2-3 poems, and occasionally we will have local celebrity poets close out our night with a reading from a featured local poet!

(Email Ivy at [email protected] if you’d like to be a featured poet)!

True Home Open Mic

Join us every Thursday from 6:30pm – 8:30pm for music, poetry, comedy and stories performed by our favorite local artists! Feel free to bring your own food/drinks or anything you’d like to share!

Sign up begins at 6pm, show begins at 6:30pm. Each performer will have twelve minutes, and the show is always livestreamed on our Facebook account.